The Problem With Abstinence-Only Education by Hew Li-Sha
Written for the Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM) Hew Li-Sha is a practising corporate lawyer and feminist.
A Sense of Urgency by Alyssa Krista
Writer Alyssa Krista looks deep within, coming to terms with herself in an exploration of what feels most urgent to her.
Art in Times of Crisis by LingJie Tuang
Albeit heavily criticised for questionable methodology and an unrepresentative sample size of 1000, Singapore’s The Straits Times published an infographic back in June that revealed what the general public perceives as essential or non-essential roles. Photo by Edvard Munch (Norsk, 1863–1944)
Paradise No More by Tasha Ariza
This aesthetic, fed to us across generations through countless highly-descriptive purple proses and movies may have been nothing save a romanticization, yet I believe we can generally agree that there is some sort of foundation to this age-old fascination with book-reading.