Alia Soraya Feizal, born in 1996, stands as a vibrant embodiment of creativity and individuality. With an unswerving devotion to fashion, photography and a knack for resuscitating forgotten tales, she's sculpted her persona as a force in the creative cosmos. A self-propelled catalyst, she's spun her penchant for immortalizing moments into a tapestry of narratives. This voyage led to the birth of 'Mulazine' in '18—a love letter to nostalgia, kindling connections through shared stories. When not stoking retrospectives, she's a fashion sage at Raffles College KL—fostering brilliance.
Find them here.VIONA on her new album, and the pangs of influencer
"This project was for me to focus on a body of work within a theme. The ongoing genocide made it hard for me to release light-hearted content. This album reflects issues of past, present and future" explains VIONA in conversation with our Editor-in-Chief, Alia Soraya. In a candid conversation on the pangs of celebrity worship…
Asian Fashion Archive – An Approach to Identity, Culture &
At its heart is Faith Cooper, whose work with the Asian Fashion Archive (AFA) goes beyond preservation to delve into identity, culture, and personal stories. The narrative presented on the platform skillfully interlaces the archivist’s professional endeavors alongside her journey while underlining the supporting pillar behind it – her mother.
Azzah dan Baba
Amelia Natasha crafts a narrative that allows us to witness the blossoming of an artist whose roots are deeply embedded in her culture and whose wings are unfurled by the winds of her parents' endless faith. Azzah Sultan’s story is a powerful reminder that art is not just an expression of the self but also…
This Line is a Circle and It Keeps Repeating
From Comrades to Co-Founders: Mulazine Delves into Oolang Studios' Pioneering Transformation of Malaysia's Eyewear Scene.
Zero Waste Malaysia and The 101 items on the Trashpedia
A Trashpedia, a model tiger made out of 101 types of recycled materials and how we as a consumerist society can work towards making better purchases and getting rid of our waste.
A Wink Backwards in Time: Malaysia Time Tunnel
When prompted on their choice in doing so, the creator of the account stated that managing the account in this manner was not to gain notoriety, but rather in connecting with individuals who share a similar ardor to nostalgia.
Soup for the Soul: Art & Soothing With Giang Le
From Hermann Rorschach’s infamous inkblot tests that were misconstrued over time to Margaret Naumburg, an American psychologist whose focus on art had gifted her the title, ‘The Mother of Art Therapy’ in the United States in 1915, the role art has allowed patients to grow and heal themselves while honing means of self-expression.
On Finishing What You Started
I-SKY seeks to fulfill this human desire in the time he spends creating with or for a fellow artist.
Without Warning – The Team Process
Here is a documented, sneek-peek during our editorial and short film project titled, Without Warning.