Make a donation to Wao to receive the workpiece template and instructions to join in the process of creating art.
Dhani X Marishka ( Collaboration Feature )

Rhohani is stemmed from the concept of being defined by people. Encompassed visually, the collaboration piece with artist Marishka leans more on capturing the constantly assumed narrative of a woman even to the point of overriding the existence of a woman’s personal stance and her voice herself. This piece focuses on the lack of authority in female autonomy, translated in both artists Dhani and Marishka being ‘trapped’ in the end piece, Dhani through what is painted and perceived of her physically and Marishka filling in the consciousness and psyche aspect of being in the piece. Overall an image of constraintment in mind, body, and soul.
An engaging & interactive project, in partnership with Women’s Aid Organization to raise funds that provide free shelter, counseling, and crisis support for women and children.
Inspiration behind Rhohani
Rhohani is a piece that engages its readers- participants to assume a character in the vaguely guided scenario – storyline where they are required to paint an abstract portrait of Dhani’s roh (soul) (the artist) with a twist at the end. The story in the piece conceptually embodies the process of how people subconsciously form a preconceived mental image of a person they meet or know, forming a concept and narrative of the person they meet that lives separately from the person itself, creating endless alternate versions of one another.
How do I participate and what do I do?
1. Make a donation of any amount to Wao (
Send receipts and proof of donation personally to @b.etina on Instagram to receive the download link for the printable template and instructions!
Account Name: Women’s Aid Organisation
Account Number: 80-0238299-7
Bank: CIMB Bank Berhad
# Donations over RM50 are eligible to receive a tax exemption receipt
For the receipt, email your full name, IC number/passport number, mailing address, and email address along with the proof of payment/transaction to
2. Print out the physical copy of the piece ( strictly on A4) and paint-draw-stain-doodle following the instructions on the piece. Please read the pre-instructions given in the download link for more clarity on the project requirements.
3. When done, feel free to scan or take a close picture of the workpiece and upload it to the download link in the file specified as the final workpiece. Remember to read the instructions!
#Rhohani #ByDhani