Hosted in the defunct cinema space that we now know as REX KL, One Ball was a celebration of Pride, lights, love for Ballroom, and a sense of togetherness. All in all, the event began at 7 PM on the 2nd of July and it is safe to say that it left us GAGGING! Folks dressed up and came to offer an extravagant show and tell of community, and an appreciation of dance and music in a safe space. Made possible by One Condoms MY, the event was realized by Kiki House of Neverland, led by the likes of Kimmy Kuntysha and the ever-excellent Teddy.
The event in itself began quite slow, with audience members and participants slowly filling up the space of the cinema. Drinks were served by the Rex Bar and as we sipped our drinks and snaked our way through the crowd and chairs that were set up for the contestants, loud dance music reverberated through the air, prompting anyone and everyone to jive along to the music.
Having hosted a multitude of categories while simultaneously paying homage to the folks that created Ballroom culture, I personally was enthralled and left gagged by the beauty of a community who have found themselves through art.